Šumperk [ District of Administration with extended activity ]
V rámci reformy veřejné správy byla od 1.1.2003 podstatná část kompetencí (např. vydávání občanských průkazů a cestovních pasů, ověřování dokladů, povolování živností, rozhodování v oblasti sociálního zabezpečení, sociálně-právní ochrany dětí, životního prostředí a zemědělství, památkové péče, civilní služby,...) ze zrušených okresních úřadů přenesena na tzv. obce s rozšířenou působností. IT CONTENTS - REGION: THERE ARE IN THE ADMINISTRATIVE DISTRICT OF THE MUNICIPALITY- Výroba (6)
- Turistická známka (9)
- Prodejna potravin (26)
- Herna nebo kasino (15)
- Zámečnictví (10)
- Tisk, noviny (4)
- Vodní plocha (5)
- Židovský hřbitov (1)
- Potravinářský podnik (2)
- Průmyslová výroba (14)
- Zemědělská výroba (6)
- Údolí (1)
- Tržnice (2)
- Klub českých turistů - odbor (2)
- Klub českých turistů - sekretář oblasti (1)
- Pivo (1)
- Fit-centrum (6)
- Turistický produkt (2)
- Autodoprava (13)
- Opravna (25)
- Altán (2)
- Výkupna (2)
- Strojírenství (5)
- Klub pro seniory (2)
- Charita nebo sociální služby (9)
- Záchranná služba (2)
- Archiv (1)
- Vinotéka (4)
- Bazar, použité zboží (13)
- Hora, kopec nebo vrch (77)
- Krejčovství a konfekce (12)
- Letecká škola (1)
- Vodopád (1)
- Letiště sportovní (1) [gps]
- Laboratoř (6)
- Rehabilitace a masáže (14)
- Solárium (5)
- Stavebnictví (137)
- Horské sedlo (1)
- Cykloservis (4)
- Zdravotní pojišťovna (3)
- Accommodation (15)
- Accounting and Economic services - Counselling (30)
- Administration Office (12)
- Advertisement Agency (18)
- Agrotourism (2)
- Ambulance (87)
- Antiquarian bookshop (2)
- Architectonic monument (1)
- Arms and munition (3)
- Associated town or community (4)
- Association (21)
- Bank (7)
- Bathing in nature (4)
- Beauty Parlour (24)
- Bell tower or chimes (1)
- Betting office (10)
- Bicycles (5)
- Boarding house (45)
- Bookshop (3)
- Bowling or skittles (3)
- Bus terminal (1)
- Cadastral Office (1)
- Cadastral territory (96)
- Café (7)
- Car repair service (24)
- Car-camping (1)
- Cash dispenser (7)
- Castle - chateau (8)
- Castle or ruin of castle (4)
- Castle park (1) [gps] [osm]
- Cave (1)
- Chalet (1)
- Chamber, Guild or Professional Corporation (3)
- Chapel (11)
- Children´s home (1)
- Choir (2)
- Church (13)
- Church or cathedral (35)
- Cinema (7)
- City or Community Services (3)
- Clothes (34)
- Club (5)
- College (1)
- Committee (3)
- Committee (14)
- Community Department (2)
- Community Division (11)
- Computer Technology (16)
- Confectioner´s (3)
- Consulting room (16)
- Cottage, chalet (57)
- Councillor (3)
- Country architecture (10)
- Court (1) [gps]
- Crisis centre (1)
- Crisis system (5)
- Cross (2)
- Cultural and entertainment centre (4)
- Cycle route (18)
- Cynology (1)
- Dentistry (29)
- Department store, supermarket (8)
- Dining-room (2)
- Disco (3)
- District of Administration with Authority (2)
- Downhill run with ski-tow (8)
- Driving school (9)
- Drug-store (11)
- Drycleaner (1)
- Educational institutions (3)
- Emblem and flag (4)
- Emergency service (2)
- Employment Office (1) [gps]
- Encyclopedic headword (12)
- Europian Union (3)
- Exchange office (1)
- Executive manager (48)
- Fast food (14)
- Fire department (5)
- Fishing tackle (4)
- Florist´s (13)
- Folklore festival FoS CZ (2)
- Folklore group (1)
- Folklore group FoS CZ (1)
- Footwear (15)
- Fortifications, fortress or bunker (5)
- Fountain (2)
- Furniture (28)
- Gallery (5)
- Gardening Equipment (3)
- Gas station (13)
- General Practitioner (30)
- Glass industry (3)
- Goldsmith´s (6)
- Graphic studio (9)
- Grave, tomb or mausoleum (3)
- Guide services (1)
- Hairdresser´s (35)
- Health Equipment (5)
- History (82)
- Horses, Racing (6)
- Hospital (1)
- Hotel or hostel (20)
- House service (3)
- Hygiene station (1)
- Ice stadium (1)
- Information service (4)
- Insurance (28)
- Internet Services (7)
- Language School (5)
- Lawyer´s office (26)
- Legend (5)
- Lending Office (8)
- Library (3)
- Local Authority (32)
- Local Board of Representatives (2)
- Look-out tower (1)
- Mayor (6)
- Medical establishment (7)
- Member of the Local Board of Representatives (13)
- Microregion (2)
- Mineral water springs (1)
- Minigolf (1) [gps]
- Mobile phones (11)
- Monument or Memorial (1)
- Monumental zone (2)
- Monumental zone (2)
- Mountaineering (4)
- Mountains (1)
- Municipal Authority (5)
- Museum (4)
- Musical ensemble or group (20)
- Natural Monument (1)
- Nature reserve (4)
- Nature trail (3)
- Non-for-profit organization (2)
- Notable personality (61)
- Notary Office (7)
- Nursery school (52)
- Official Board (1) [gps]
- Old Folks Home (4)
- Optics (4)
- Park (9)
- Parking place (26)
- Pattern equipment (1)
- Pharmacy (8)
- Physical education club (2)
- Pizzeria (2)
- Police (3)
- Post Office (18)
- Primary school (31)
- Primary school of Arts (2)
- Printing office (8)
- Private Accommodation (36)
- Promotional material (2)
- Pub (13)
- Public lavatories (2)
- Public prosecutor´s department (1)
- Publishing (1)
- Railway (36)
- Railway-track (4)
- Real Estate Agency (14)
- Recreational area (9)
- Restaurant (26)
- Sauna (2)
- Saving in a building society (7)
- Secondary school (9)
- Services (165)
- Shop (196)
- Ski Area (15)
- Ski-route (12)
- Snack bar (12)
- Social Security Office (1) [gps]
- Spa (2)
- Special school (7)
- Sport (4)
- Sporting goods (13)
- Sports facilities (10)
- Sports-club (10)
- Stationary exhibition (1)
- Statue, sculptural group or sculpture (30)
- Street or locality (534)
- Succour Humanitary Organization (2)
- Swimming pool (6)
- Taxi (5)
- Technical Interest (2)
- Technical landmark (5)
- Telecommunications (1)
- Tennis (1)
- Theatre (1) [gps]
- Theatre group (4)
- Tourist Office (2)
- Tourist path (31)
- Town council (2)
- Town house or building (30)
- Town vice-mayor (3)
- Town-clerk (1)
- Towns and Communities Association (2)
- Town´s bulletin (1)
- Translations and interpretations (7)
- Travel Agency (6)
- Travel Office (8)
- TV or video studio (4)
- Undertaker services (3)
- University (2)
- Veterinary Service (9)
- Village or Town/City (36)
- Walls or fortification wall (1)
- Water course (5)
- Wedding Agency (3)
- Wholesale trade (12)
- Wine-cellar (2)
- Worker (15)
- Youth Home (3)
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