[Stavebnictví] [Opravna] [Prodejna potravin] [Tržnice] [Zámečnictví] [Krejčovství a konfekce] [Výkupna] [Bazar, použité zboží] [Výrobek nebo zboží k prodeji] [Accounting and Economic services - Counselling] [Advertisement Agency] [Antiquarian bookshop] [Antiquities] [Arms and munition] [Beauty Parlour] [Betting office] [Bicycles] [Bookshop] [City or Community Services] [Clothes] [Computer Technology] [Computer technology CS21 GROUP] [Crematorium] [Driving school] [Drug-store] [Drycleaner] [Encyclopedic headword] [Florist´s] [Footwear] [Furniture] [Gardening Equipment] [Goldsmith´s] [Graphic studio] [Hairdresser´s] [House service] [Insurance] [Internet Services] [Lawyer´s office] [Marketing - Guidance] [Mobile phones] [Move - Services] [Notary Office] [Pattern equipment] [Post Office] [Printing office] [Publishing] [Real Estate Agency] [Services] [Shop] [Sporting goods] [Telecommunications] [Transport services] [TV or video studio] [Undertaker services] [Weather station] [Wedding Agency] [Wholesale trade] [Zodiac signs]
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